Hosting on Hill’scamp

  • 1.1 Host.

    As a Host, Hillscamp offers you the right to use the Hillscamp Platform to share your Accommodation, Experience, or other Host Service with our vibrant community of Guests - and earn money doing it. It’s easy to create a Listing and you are in control of how you host - set your price, availability, and rules for each Listing.

  • 1.2 Contracting with Guests.

    When you accept a booking request or receive a booking confirmation through the Hillscamp Platform, you are entering into a contract directly with the Guest, and are responsible for delivering the Host Service under the terms and at the price specified in your Listing. You are also agreeing to pay applicable fees for each booking. Hillscamp Payments will deduct amounts you owe from your payout unless we and you agree to a different method.

  • 1.3 Independence of Hosts

    Your relationship with Hillscamp is that of an independent individual or entity and not an employee, agent, joint venturer or partner of Hillscamp, except that Hillscamp Payments acts as a payment collection agent as described in the Payments Terms. Hillscamp does not direct or control your Host Service and you understand that you have complete discretion whether and when to provide Host Services and at what price and on what terms to offer them.

Listing your property

  • 2.1 Creating and Managing Your Listing

    The Hillscamp team make it easy for you to set up and manage your Listing. Your Listing must include complete and accurate information about your Host Service, your price, other charges like cleaning fees, trekking fees, e.t.c and any rules or requirements that apply to your Guests or Listing. You are responsible for your acts and omissions as well as for keeping your Listing information (including calendar availability) and content (like photos) up-to-date and accurate at all times. We recommend that you obtain appropriate insurance for your Host Services and suggest you carefully review policy terms and conditions like coverage details and exclusions. You may only maintain one Listing per Accommodation but may have multiple Listing for a single property if it has multiple places to stay.

  • 2.2 Know Your Legal Obligations.

    You are responsible for understanding and complying with any laws, rules, regulations and contracts with third parties that apply to your Listing or Host Services. For example, Some landlords and leases, or homeowner and condominium association rules, restrict or prohibit subletting, short-term rentals and/or longer-term stays. Some cities have zoning or other laws that restrict the short-term rental of residential properties. Some jurisdictions require Hosts to register, get a permit, or obtain a license before providing certain Host Services (such as short-term rentals, longer-term stays, preparing food, serving alcohol for sale, guiding tours or operating a vehicle). In some places, the Host Services you want to offer may be prohibited altogether. Some jurisdictions require that you register Guests who stay at your Accommodation. Some jurisdictions have laws that create tenancy rights for Guests and additional obligations for Hosts. For example, some places have landlord-tenant, rent control, and eviction laws that may apply to longer stays. Check your local rules to learn what rules apply to the Host Services you plan to offer. Information we provide regarding legal requirements is for informational purposes only and you should independently confirm your obligations. You are responsible for handling and using the personal data of Guests and others in compliance with applicable privacy laws and these Terms, If you have questions about how local laws apply you should always seek legal advice.

Cancellation, Travel issues, and Booking modifications

Seasoned hosts will probably tell you that, just like negative reviews, cancellations are bound to happen. offers its renters three types of cancellation policies that you can put in place:

  • Fully Flexible: this cancellation policy means that your guests can cancel up to the time of the check-in without incurring any charges.
  • Customized: this cancellation policy allows you to set the number of days prior to check-in that a guest can cancel without being charged. This option affords the host to choose the time frame that works best for them, and it can help to cut down on last-minute cancellations.
  • Pre-authorized/Deposit: you can also pre-authorize a guest’s payment method or charge a deposit that will go toward the stay at your property. While not explicitly a cancellation policy, deposits can be stated as non-refundable to encourage your guests not to cancel.

It is important to keep in mind that these cancellation policies can be specific to each property or unit you list on

Travel plans change all the time, so it’s important that you’re flexible with reservations that are changed or cancelled. At the same time, though, renters who cancel at the last minute can be detrimental to your rental profile because it can leave you with substantial voids in your reservation queue.

Pricing and Payouts works with a commission-based model, which means you pay us a set percentage of each reservation made through our website. commission percentage varies by location. Our global commission rate average is 15%—among the lowest in the industry—and can vary depending on your property type or location.